Meet SGT Michael E. Barker — 2014 Wounded Veteran
SGT Michael E. Barker BCT at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina then went to medic school at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. Upon completion of medic school, he completed additional skill identifier school for Physical Therapy Technician. Mike was stationed at Ft. Polk, Louisiana and Ft. Carson, Colorado before backfilling at Landstuhl, Germany treating thousands of wounded soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines from theater operations from 2004-2005. After helping so many injured warriors off the battlefield, he had a strong desire to help those suffering with the carnage of war.
In 2005, he was reassigned to Brooke Army Medical Center and continued working with the limb salvage program, a new program designed to rehab warriors who were trying to save their legs from amputation. Treating these patients was mentally draining as most patients were dealing with polytrauma as well as with the realization they would never be the same. After those five years of working with the severely wounded, he was moved to the Warrior Transition Battalion designing exercise programs and engaging wounded warriors to return to sports activities.
Although patients were still suffering wounds, they were beginning a transition from military to civilian life. When the Center for the Intrepid was complete, he moved to working with limb salvage and amputees and working on the IDEO brace program, returning Lower Extremity limb loss patients to full duty.
Again, the stress and carnage one sees on a daily basis of working with our Nation's elite was very difficult. He works with wounded warriors in many facets from therapy to recreational sports and at the VA.
Mike is a coach for the San Antonio Wheelchair Spurs basketball team comprised of military veterans and disabled athletes in the San Antonio community. He currently plays baseball for the Army Purple Heart Baseball team that plays locally and travels the country inspiring military vets to stay active and therapeutically engaged while playing a sport they love.
Mike has an Associate's Degree as a Physical Therapist Assistant and a Bachelor's degree from University of Phoenix. He is married to Shelby, with 4 children, Baylee (daughter) 13, Jordan (son) 12, Isaiah (son) 3, Noah (son) 3 months. His future plans include attending school to get a Doctorate in Physical Therapy.
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Jeff Anderson
CEO/Founder, Rebuilding Warriors