Meet Jose Bernal, U.S.M.C. — 2018 Veteran
Josemanuel Bernal was born in Hollister, California and raised in San Juan Bautista, California. He enlisted in the Marine Corps Delayed Entry Program in January 1996 and completed it in November 16, 1996. After completion of Recruit Training he attended Marine Corps Combat Training at Camp Pendleton. Next, he attended his primary MOS school to become a field wireman. His first permanent duty station was with the 9th Comm Battalion in Camp Pendleton, California.
He was with the 9th Comm Battalion from 1997-1997. In 1998 Jose went TAD to the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) and was with them until 2003. Jose did three West Pac deployments with the 11th MEU, visiting the Persian Gulf region and the Western Pacific Ocean.
After Jose's time was up with the 11th MEU, he went on recruiting duty and was a recruiter in Recruiting Station San Francisco, Recruiting Sub-Station Fairfield, California. His tour was from 2004-2007, after which he went to Okinawa, Japan and then from 2007-2010 to the 7th Comm Battalion in Camp Hansen. His next duty station was in Okinawa at the Marine Corps Base Telephones in Camp Foster and then on to being the Plant Chief for Camp Courtney and all the Northern Camps on Okinawa.

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His tour was over in 2013 and his final move was to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina and the 8th Comm Battalion. Jose retired in August of 2016. He currently works at Cannon AFB in the 27th Special Operation as the Drug Demand Reduction Program Manager.
Jose's Decorations, Medals and Ribbons earned are as follows:
- National Defense Service Medal
- Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
- Navy and Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon (2)
- Navy Unit Commendation (3)
- Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation (5)
- Humanitarian Service Medal
- Global War On Terrorism Expeditionar Medal
- Marine Corps Recruiting Ribbon
- Sea Service Deployment Ribbon (6)
- Coast Guard Meritorious Unit Commendation
- Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal
- Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (2)
- Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal (6)
- Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
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Jeff Anderson
CEO/Founder, Rebuilding Warriors